Brazil Sao Paulo/Ipiranga 이삐랑가

Museu de Zoologia da UPS

카페징유 2011. 8. 20. 09:55
 2011.8.4 수요일

The meseum belongs to the University of Sao Paulo and is dedicated to research. 
Attractions include reproductions and skeletons of dinosaurs and a giant sloth. 
The beautiful 1941 art deco building designed by Christiano Stockler das Neves, was recently restored with stained-glass windows, ceramics and rails feturing Brazilian fauna motifs.

--- by Itaucard Guide

*입장시간 : Tues. to Sun, 10am to 5pm
*Avenida Nazare, 481, Tel. (11)2065-8100

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   규모가 작아서... 이렇게 무료입장이 아니면 굳이 찾아올 것 같지 않았지만, 아이들이 있으면 한번쯤 가보면 좋을 듯!!! ^ ^
